Eco Efforts

Plan an eco-friendly stay at our Key West Resort.

As a pillar of our island, we understand the importance of offering our guests a sustainable stay in Key West. One journey to the Florida Keys and immediately you know that this is a unique and unforgettable place that should be cherished and shared with others for years to come. At Ocean Key Resort & Spa we take pride in continuing to be recognized as an eco-friendly resort.

Reef And Fish.

MOTE Marine Partnership

Our longtime partnership with MOTE Marine Labs in Summerland Key results in funds to help restore our coral reef. Ocean Key Resort donates a portion of our proceeds from our Sunset Pier Concert Series as well as other events to help with MOTE’s crucial efforts. Our guests contribute through sales of adorable manatee plush toys available in every room. In addition, our staff participates in MOTE’s annual Ocean Fest by selling refreshments to attendees and donating 100% of the proceeds from this amazing educational event.

Ocean Key Resort is a proud supporter of local events such as the Mote Ocean Fest. We are also honored to host our Sunset Pier Concert Series to benefit Mote Marine.


Proud Source Water.

Reduce, Reuse, Rehydrate

We are thrilled to offer Proud Source water in our guestrooms and suites. Proud Source Spring Water is bottled using infinitely recyclable aluminum and can even be refilled at our resort water station for continued use during your stay. Now that is something we can be proud of!

Guestroom Bathroom

Water Conservation

As our team strives to provide an exceptional resort experience to our guests, we remain mindful of the impacts that modern amenities and conveniences have on our environment. Ocean Key has implemented water conservation efforts such as encouraging guests to hang their towels if they intend to reuse them and using aquaponic laundry systems to reduce the use of chemical detergents and minimize water waste. In addition, the use of solar hot water heaters instead of electric as well as energy-efficient temperature and power controls in the guest rooms assists in the reduction of utility and energy consumption.

Couple Taking A Selfie On The Sunset Pier.


Behind the scenes, the day-to-day operations of a resort can easily have a negative impact on the environment through paper and product waste. Several initiatives assist our teams in reducing that impact. Transitioning to QR codes for important hotel information not only assists us in providing accurate information to our guests quickly and efficiently, but it also reduces the need for in-room paper materials. We also take pride in choosing products for our operations with at least 30% recycled content or above and have implemented a pallet recycling program to reduce additional waste.

Conch Republic Marine Army Boat.

Conch Republic Marine Army

Our support for The Conch Republic Marine Army (CRMA) began in 2017, following a devastating blow to the Florida Keys from Hurricane Irma. The CRMA is dedicated to cleaning and restoring the mangrove habitats in our island chain. Through monetary donations and support of local fundraising events, CRMA’s volunteers have been able to recover 422,734 pounds of debris! The crystal-clear waters of the Florida Keys are a testament to their dedication and hard work.


Bikes Next To A White Fence.

Capital One Sustainable Travel Partner

Together with Capital One Travel, we are honored to support their initiative to protect the future and plant two trees for every flight, hotel and rental package booked through their travel program.

Noble Community Members.

OKR Cares Committee

Our very own Ocean Key team members are brought together by a shared passion and commitment to supporting our island community. Through our partnership with Keep Key West Beautiful, we are able to organize regular participation in trash clean-up efforts around the city.

Sunset Pier Cocktail.

Eco-Friendly Straws

In an effort to reduce sea debris and protect the natural habitat for many varieties of sea turtles, birds and native wildlife, only biodegradable straws are provided at our resort.

Seaweed Treatment.

Our Spa

SpaTerre prides itself on sourcing organic and sustainable products for our spa treatments.